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Pour l’engagement des acteurs,
la valorisation des talents,
l’intelligence collective
et la formation en management

et développement personnel



Rubika + ESSEC

He’s currently leading experience research & design activities within Sodexo

Since 2011, Nicolas Petitjean has been successively Director of Innovation in Europe for DBapparel and HanesBrands Inc. He began his career in the 2000s with Adidas, in the French Alps, as Product & Innovation Designer in Salomon sideways sports category. During that period he managed to design and develop new kind of sideway sports experiences and the offering. He subsequently took over the operational management of a creative studio based in Madrid before joining Decathlon Group to manage design and innovation activities for one of its subsidiaries, Newfeel. During his time at Decathlon, he was an active member of the InHouse research & innovation network. Over the last 4 years he has contributed to international conferences and higher education programs to better understand strategic design applied to innovation and management as a sustainable competitive advantage.

Management du changement,

émergence des experts, 

coaching de proximité



Université Laval Québec
Stanford University

Gestion stratégique par le Design thinking & Transformation Leader – GE Healthcare

Enseignante CNAM Design thinking

Psychologue & Ergonome

Elle intervient au sein de General Electric Healthcare pour accompagner les équipes et les individus sur les chemins de la création d’offres nouvelles (produits, services, stratégies, logiciels, branding), ainsi qu’en accompagnement du changement depuis 12 ans.

Elle enseigne les fondamentaux du design thinking au CNAM (Paris) depuis 6 ans.

Elle combine dans sa pratique les techniques de gestion de projet en innovation, de créativité ainsi  que l’intelligence sensible et l’art.

Betty est certifiée Foursight (test d’habileté créative).

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